- Schneider, M. F. (2020) Botanische Kartierung des Wiedergeltinger Wäldchens, Gemeinde Wiedergeltingen, Lkr. Unterallgäu, Bayern. Naturkundl. Beiträge Allgäu 55: 47-52
- Schneider, M. F. (2020) Steckbrief Löwenzahn. In: Haas, U. (Hrsg.) Rund um den Allgäuer Löwenzahn. Nature Art Verlag, Memmingen
- Schneider, M. F. (2019) Einfluss des Klimawandels auf Flora, Fauna und Lebensräume in den Landkreisen Ober-, Ost- und Unterallgäu Bayern, Deutschland). Naturkundl. Beiträge Allgäu 54: 3-31
- Schneider, M. F. & Schönberger, P. (2018) Naturgeschichtchen Allgäu – Entdecke mit einem Schmetterling das wunderbare Allgäu; Bauer-Verlag, Thalhofen, 232 p., ISBN 978-3-95551-059-6
- Schneider, M. F. (2017) Die Bachmuschel – Biologie und Verbreitung im Allgäu und südlichen Regierungsbezirk Schwaben. Naturkundl. Beiträge Allgäu 52: 13-21
- Schneider, M., Wunder, C., Reuss, E., Toennes, S. W. & Mebs, D. (2017) Evading plant defence: Infestation of poisonous milkweed fruits (Asclepiadaceae) by the fruit fly Dacus siliqualactis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Toxicon 139: 13-19
- Schneider, M. (2015) Schwaben – Flora und Fauna. In Frei, H. & Stettmayer, F. (Hrsg.): Schwaben in Bayern. Historisch-geographische Landeskunde eines Regierungsbezirks; Kunstverlag Josef Fink; Lindenberg; pp. 58-65, ISBN 978-3-89870-913-2
- Schneider, M. F. (2015) Zum Greifen nah: Die Sterne über dem Allgäu; Bauer-Verlag, Thalhofen; p. 40; ISBN 978-3-95551-011-4
- Schneider, M. (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018) Poster Allgäuer Wildblumen – Bestimmung ausgewählter Wildblumen des Allgäus nach Blütenfarbe und -form, Farbposter DIN A1 (594 x 841 mm), Bauer-Verlag, Thalhofen
- Schneider, M. (2014) Südpazifik trifft Allgäu; Forum für Mitglieder und Freunde des Pazifik – Netzwerkes e. V., Rundbrief 97-3/14: 20-22
- Schneider, M. (2013) Blumenberg Wertacher Hoernle; Leben im Allgäu, Frühling 2013: 62-63
- Schneider, M. (2012) Spurensuche im Schnee; Leben im Allgäu, Winter 2012/13: 12-13
- Schneider, M. (2012) Naturstandort Wertacher Hornle; Natur & Garten 4/2012: 40-41
- Schneider, M. (2012) Giftpflanzen des Allgaus; Leben im Allgäu III/2012: 22-25
- Schneider, M. (2011, 2012, 2014, 2020) Naturgeschichte Allgäu (Natural History of the Allgaeu Region); Bauer-Verlag, Thalhofen, 624 p.; ISBN 978-3-941013-80-3
- Mebs, D., Pogoda, W., Schneider, M. & Kauert, G. (2009) Cantharidin and demethylcantharidin (palasonin) content of blister beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae) from Southern Africa. Toxicon 53: 466-468
- Mebs, D., Boppré, M., Fischer, O.W., Schneider, M., Reuss, E., Wagner, M. & Kauert, G. (2008) Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacus spp.) overcome structural, mechanical and chemical defences of milkweeds (Asclepiadaceae). Abstract of a presentation at the 16th European Section Meeting of the International Society on Toxinology, B-Leuven, Sept. 2008
- Schneider, M. F. & Jorge, A. A. (2007) Prey selection of the Barn Owl and the Spotted Eagle-owl in humandegraded and natural environments in southern Mozambique. Ostrich 78(3): 655-657
- Schneider, M. F., Buramuge, V. A., Aliasse, L., Serfontein, F. (2007) Database of Vertebrates and Centres of Vertebrate Diversity in Mozambique.
- Yotsu-Yamashita, M., Mebs, D., Kwet, A. & Schneider, M. (2007) Tetrodotoxin and its analogue 6-epitetrodotoxin in newts (Triturus spp.; Urodela, Salamandridae) from Southern Germany. Toxicon 50: 306-309
- Schneider, M. F. & Buramuge, V. A. (2005) Atlas of the Microscopic Hair Structure of Southern African Shrews, Hedgehogs, Golden Moles and Elephant-shrews (Mammalia). Bonner zoologische Beiträge 54: 103-173
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- Schneider, M. F., de Sousa, C., Tauacale, F. & Aliasse, L. (2005) Aplicações do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (GIS) na Planificação de Áreas Protegidas e Maneio de Fauna Bravia [Applications of the Geographic Information System (GIS) in Planning of Protected Areas and Wildlife Management]. Matéria Prima 4: 23-34
- Mebs, D., Reuss, E. & Schneider, M. F. (2005) Studies on the cardenolide sequestration in African milkweed butterflies (Danaidae). Toxicon 45: 581-584
- Serfontein, F. & Schneider, M. F. (2004) Descubra a Natureza de Inhambane – Discover Inhambane Nature. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) & Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (gtz), Maputo, 78 pp, ISBN 1-900164-07-8
- Schneider, M.F. (2003) Consequências da acumulação de folhas secas na plantação de Eucaliptos em Zitundo, Distrito de Matutuiíne [Consequences of Leaf Litter Accumulation in a Eucalyptus Plantation in Zitundo, Matutuiíne District]. Matéria Prima 3: 37-42
- Schneider, M.F. (2003) Ocorrência de espécies comerciais exóticas de peixe no rio Limpopo depois das cheias do ano 2000 [Occurrence of commercial exotic fish species in the Limpopo River after the flood in 2000]. Matéria Prima 3: 31-36
- Schneider, M. F. (2002) Controle do Porco-Espinho do Cabo Hystrix africaeaustralis L., 1758 na Área de Reflorestamento de Catapú, Província de Sofala [Controle of the Cape Porcupine Hystrix africaeaustralis L., 1758 in the Catapú Reforestation Area, Sofala Province]. Proceedings 1. Seminário Nacional de Investigação Agrária, 31 July – 2 August 2002, Maputo, Mozambique
- Sitoe, A., Bandeira, R., Ribeiro, N., Nhamucho, L. & Schneider, M. F. (2002) Impacto das Cheias de 2000 sobre a Biodiversidade do Vale do Rio Limpopo [Impact of the Flood in 2000 on Biodiversity in the Limpopo River Valley]. Proceedings 1. Seminário Nacional de Investigação Agrária, 31 July – 2 August 2002, Maputo, Mozambique
- Mebs, D. & Schneider, M. (2002) Aristolochic acid content of South-East Asian troidine swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) and of Aristolochia plant species (Aristolochiaceae). Chemoecology 12: 11-13
- Schneider, M. & Dorn, A. (2001): Differential infectivity of two Pseudomonas species and the immune response in the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Insecta: Hemiptera). J. Invert. Pathol. 78 (3): 135-140
- Schneider, M. F. (2001): Observation on the Aggregation Behaviour of Arcte coerula Guenée (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Science in New Guinea 26: 34-37
- Jenkihau, A. S., Bowin, S. T. & Schneider, F. M. (2001): Effects of Aqueous Neem and Melia azedarach Extracts on the Early Development of Eurema blanda. Science in New Guinea 26: 27-33
- Mebs, D., Zehner, R. & Schneider, M. (2000): Molecular Studies on the Oubain Binding Site of the Na+, K+-ATPase in Milkweed Butterflies. Chemoecology 10: 201-203
- Dobunaba, W. J. & Schneider, M. F. (1999): Binatang – A Pictorial Catalogue of Papua New Guinea’s Insects; Interactive CD-ROM; ISBN 9980-85-261-5
- Schneider, M. F. (1999): Key to the Forest Insect Pests of Papua New Guinea; interactive CD-ROM and Internet version; ISBN 9980-85-260-7
- Schneider, M. F. (1999): Entomology – A Textbook for Students, Agriculturalists and Foresters in Papua New Guinea; Training Manual No. 19; Bulolo University College; Bulolo; PNG; ISBN 9980-85-259-3; 312 p.
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- Schneider, M., Wiesel, G. & Dorn, A. (1995): Effects of JH III and JH Analogues on Phase-related Growth, Egg Maturation and Lipid Metabolism in Schistocerca gregaria Females. J. Insect Physiol. 41 (1): 23-31
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- Dorn, A., Wiesel, G. & Schneider, M. (1994): Juvenile Hormone Analogues in Locust Control. In: Krall, S. & Wilps, H. (eds.): New Trends in Locust Control. Schreiftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), No. 245; Eschborn, Germany; pp. 91-106
- Schneider, M. (1992): Untersuchung des Fettstoffwechsels der Wüstenheuschrecke Schistocerca gregaria unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Phasenpolymorphismus, der Wirkung von Juvenilhormon und Analogen. Dissertation am Fachbereich Biologie der Universität Mainz [Examination of Lipid Metabolism of the Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria with special Reference to Phase Polymorphism, Effects of Juvenile Hormone and Analogues; PhD Thesis; Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz; Germany]
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- Wink, M., Perrey, R., Schneider, M., Warskulat, U., v. Borstel, K. & Mende, P. (1992): Alkaloid Metabolism and Gene Expression in Cell Suspension Cultures of Lupinus polyphyllus and Lupinus hartwegii. In: Oono, K. et al. (eds.): Plant Tissue Culture and Gene Manipulation for Breeding and Formation of Phytochemicals. NIAR; Japan; pp. 99-116
- Schneider, M. (1990): Vergleich der Genexpression in Pflanzen und Zellsuspensionskulturen von Lupinus polyphyllus; Diplomarbeit am Fachbereich Biologie der Universität Mainz [Comparison of Gene Expression in Plants and Tissue Cultures of Lupinus polyphyllus; MSc Thesis; University Mainz and Heidelberg; Germany]
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